"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." J. Danforth Quayle

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Love When My Daughters Cook

I love when my daughters cook. Their is a sense of wonderment and joy when my daughters and I cook together. When I first taught them how to "push dough" the end result seemed to taste better. When they first started to take interest in making sauces, and dressings, and pizza topping and pies it has been consistently lovely.

I still cherish Ellie's First Recipe written years ago:

Radshe Olabey   

1 cup radshe
1/2 cup cheese
1 teaspoon Spice pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup chile pepper
1/2 cup bell pepper
1 cup time
Put the radshes in a boll. Then grate some cheese. Then put the cheese in the boll. Put some pepper in the boll. Sprinkle salt in the boll. Cut both peppers and put them in the boll. Pick the leaves off the time, Cook for 2 minutes. If it's not hot enough when 2 is up put it in again for four minutes. When done and hot leave to cool somewhere. Enjoy!

Elanor Harris

Heh! Never we did get around to trying it.

As much as I love cooking with my children there is a very special thrill when they cook for me. Last Sunday, Ellie decided that she was going to make dinner for all of us. She found the concept and recipes she wanted online. She made just about everything from scratch. She made stuffed mushrooms which had a delightful flavor of both garlic and Parmesan cheese. 

She made her own meatballs. This was the only area in which we intervened.  Ellie's recipe called for ground sirloin, but we thought that ground chuck was a better choice. The meatballs were made and cooked off in a pan as directed, despite a different option presented (I am on Ellie's side).

When it came to the sauce Ellie chose canned whole tomatoes. She crushed them in her hands as necessary to achieve the consistency she desired. She seasoned them and even chose to modify the seasonings by introducing fresh herbs from our garden. 

She also made choux paste, and turned that into eclairs and cream puffs.

The result was delicious.

Probably would have been more so if I wasn't tasting them as leftovers. An event that I was attending ran way long, and it was past time to eat when I got home. 

I am still horribly proud of her!